

第59回 ビルマ市民フォーラム例会のご案内
The 59th PFB Regular Meeting
(Feb. 6th, 6:00pm-8:30pm, Ikebukuro, ECO-Toshima 8F)

・講演 「アウンサンスーチーの非暴力主義は現場でどう解釈されているのか:タイ国境の民主化活動家たちの場合」
The Understanding of Aung San Suu Kyi's Principle of Non-violence by the Burmese Activists in Thailand

 ・・・根本 敬(上智大学教授、ビルマ市民フォーラム運営委員)
     Professor. Kei NEMOTO ( Sophia University / PFB-SCM)
19:30- 休憩

・『Burma VJ』ダイジェスト版上映(5分)


◆会場= 池袋・ECOとしま(豊島区立生活産業プラザ)
        8階 多目的ホール

*所在: 豊島区東池袋1-20-15、Tel 03-5992-7011
*交通: 池袋駅東口徒歩5分      
◆資料代= 200円(会員)・500円(非会員)
◆定 員= 80名 (事前申込み不要/先着順)
◆言 語=日本語(参加者に在日のビルマ人のみなさんもいらっしゃいますので、ビルマ語の逐次通訳が入ります。ご了承ください。)


【スピーカー プロフィール】
●根本 敬 (ねもと けい)

<英文要約 Summary of the lecture>
Aung San Suu Kyi receives a high valuation on her contribution on leading a non-violent democratic movement under the military ruled Burma She was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. However, her principle of non-violence is not exactly the same as M. Gandhi’s moral understanding which does not allow any violent means in the political movement. Her principle includes an aspect of political tactics. She insists that a non-violent means is especially necessary in Burma, since it will bring the end to a chain of violence in politics which has existed throughout the modern history of this country. At the same time, she says that the non-violence is not always the only means in political movements.
     Reflecting her principle, the Burmese political activists in Thai-Burma border possess flexible understanding of non-violence. They basically agree with the importance of non-violence in their movement for democracy, but simultaneously they think that armed struggles are necessary in the situations when they have to protect themselves from attacks by the Burmese Armed Forces. They say that this right of self-protection has ever denied by Aung San Suu Kyi. On the other hand, the activists of ethnic minorities have a tendency to explain their self-protection right as a natural one, not as a flexible understanding of non-violence principle that stems from Aung San Suu Kyi.